OMB Silver Package
OMB presentation folder includes:
Letter (from OMB)
OMB brochure & cardU.S. Child Custody Outcomes in Cases Involving Parental Alienation and Child Abuse Allegations: What Do the Data Show? (Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law) by Joan Meier
OMB Post Separation Wheel (front and back)
Dr. Kristine Danback’s Courtroom Insights
Dr. Robert Anda: The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study: Child Abuse and Public Health
Huffington Post: Family Court and Personality Disorders
Psychology Today: How Does NPD Parenting Affect Children?
OMB presentation folder includes:
Letter (from OMB)
OMB brochure & cardU.S. Child Custody Outcomes in Cases Involving Parental Alienation and Child Abuse Allegations: What Do the Data Show? (Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law) by Joan Meier
OMB Post Separation Wheel (front and back)
Dr. Kristine Danback’s Courtroom Insights
Dr. Robert Anda: The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study: Child Abuse and Public Health
Huffington Post: Family Court and Personality Disorders
Psychology Today: How Does NPD Parenting Affect Children?
OMB presentation folder includes:
Letter (from OMB)
OMB brochure & cardU.S. Child Custody Outcomes in Cases Involving Parental Alienation and Child Abuse Allegations: What Do the Data Show? (Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law) by Joan Meier
OMB Post Separation Wheel (front and back)
Dr. Kristine Danback’s Courtroom Insights
Dr. Robert Anda: The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study: Child Abuse and Public Health
Huffington Post: Family Court and Personality Disorders
Psychology Today: How Does NPD Parenting Affect Children?