It is our mission to educate the family court system that it only takes one person to create a high-conflict divorce or child custody battle.

If you are interested in anonymously educating your judge or family court professional (GAL/minor’s counsel, attorney, custody evaluator, co-parenting therapist, CPS worker, PC, special master or your child’s therapist) about the realities of post-separation abuse and high-conflict custody battles, we can help. Yes, we also send to schools (teachers, principal’s and guidance counselors) when requested.


  • Educational packets are best suited for judicial officers or professionals who are newer to the system or open to learning. We have seen firsthand that this material has the potential to create real change as it helps to "connect the dots" in cases that are labeled high conflict.

  • Educational packets are not recommended for judicial officers or professionals who are calloused, colluding or corrupt. Efforts to educate this type of professional will likely be ineffective and unfruitful.



① The educational packet is sent from our organization (HCE&R) with no connection to your case.

② The packet is sent via priority mail (3-day) and tracked to ensure delivery.

③ Packets are mailed within seven business days from the date of purchase.


What is the focus of the packet?

The focus of the packet is to educate family court professionals that it only takes one person to create a high-conflict divorce or child custody battle. We delve into the reality of post separation abuse, while using various pieces of literature and research to educate on narcissistic abuse, domestic violence, the ACE Study and the origins of the deeply disturbing “alienation” movement.

Have the packets received positive feedback? Have they ever negatively affected a case?

Our program has been in existence formally and informally for seven years. Yes, we have had lots of positive testimonials and no, we have never had a packet negatively affect a case.

What if my judge/family court professional has already received a packet?

When we receive an order, we check to verify that the family court professional has not received a packet. You will be contacted if your selected professional has been sent a packet in this time frame and given the option of a refund or redirecting the packet to a new professional.

Are these packets specific to the United States or can they be mailed internationally?

These packets are specific to the United States. At this time, we are not taking international orders.

What if my financials are subpoenaed?

If you are worried about your financials being subpoenaed, it may be wise to have a friend or family member make the purchase for you. That offers you extra protection. The packets are sent from our organization and the purchaser’s name is not visible to the recipient. It is important to emphasize that this package is not coming from you, to the court. You are making a contribution to our judicial education fund and our organization is sending materials to various family court professionals.




Presentation folder includes:

✔️ Introductory letter to professionals with brochure & business card

✔️ U.S. Child Custody Outcomes in Cases Involving Parental Alienation and Child Abuse Allegations: What Do the Data Show? (Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law by Joan Meier)

✔️ Confronting the Challenge of the High-Conflict Personality in Family Court (The Santa Clara Study)

✔️ Post Separation Wheel

✔️ Courtroom Insights (Dr. Kristine Danback)

✔️ The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study: Child Abuse and Public Health (Dr. Robert Anda)

✔️ The NPD Parent (William Krill, Jr)

✔️ ABA: Domestic Violence and Custody Myths

✔️ The History of Kayden’s Law (in VAWA)

✔️ Report from the United Nations denouncing “parental alienation,” a common legal strategy employed by abusers.


*VERY IMPORTANT: Please enter the name/address of the family court professional in “Shipping” section at checkout


➕ Contains all materials in the Silver Packet — and includes the book, Divorcing A Narcissist 


*VERY IMPORTANT: Please enter the name/address of the family court professional in “Shipping” section at checkout

BY MAIL: If you would prefer to pay by cash/money order or check (payable to One Mom’s Battle, LLC), mail to: 793 E. Foothill Blvd., Suite A-41, San Luis Obispo, CA 93405 and include name/address of family court professional


Testimonials: What People Have To Say

“I just wanted to say thank you for the work you do! A few months ago, I invested in sending Educate Your Judge packets to my GAL and judge, not knowing if they’d be read or not. Well, this morning I had a meeting with our GAL, and sitting on her desk in her office was the contents of the packet! We’re days, maybe weeks away from our final hearing, so it was really encouraging to see that she’s utilizing this as a resource. Thank you for the work you do! You are changing lives and future generations.”

“Through the heart of this organization, I am so thankful to have found a source of strength, understanding and validation. Though we are fighting an incredibly uphill battle that seems too treacherous at times, there is immense strength simply in knowing you are not alone. One of the resources that I was so excited to find was the Educate Your Judge packet. When I ordered this packet, I was so hopeful that maybe, just maybe, my Judge would even open the letter and then possibly even read it. Imagine my delight and shock when I sat through my next hearing feeling that he was suddenly listening with a different set of ears and looking through different eyes. In fact, I was stunned. I left the court room, my attorney and I both scratching our heads wondering what just happened, the tidal turn felt so obvious. It took a moment for it to dawn on me and I said, “He must have actually read the packet!” My attorney responded, “You know, that’s it…that has to be it!” We were celebrating in the hallway of the court house. To imagine that not only did he take the time to read it, but that it seemed he’d already figured out that maybe he needed to pay closer attention to our case! Our journey is nowhere near over currently, however, I have newfound hope that we may have an attentive ear paying attention. Just maybe we begin to turn some things around. I cannot begin to thank you enough and I want you to know that every amount of effort you are putting into educating us, is not in vain – it is lifegiving! Thank you isn’t enough! I plan to place my efforts into educating and making changes here in my county and helping others, this is only the beginning. With thanks, Tiffany.”

“I wanted to share some good news: for the past 7 years, I have been in and out of the courtroom with my high-conflict ex-husband, who moved out of town, has been trying to get school year custody of our boys by having them call the police on me, trying to talk to the judge, writing letters to teachers etc. All the usual games. Long story short, we had a 2-day trial scheduled in mid-November in which he was again trying to get school year custody, and the Judge shut it down after only 90 minutes! He told the ex he was abusing the courts time and resources and that the grounds he was basing his case on would NEVER be enough to uproot the kids’ lives to move across the country! Incidentally, an 'Educate Your Judge' packet had been sent to the judge and I would like to believe that the information provided impacted the outcome. A decision maker was put into place, the DM determines if any motions need to be entered, the ex-husband cannot file any motions against me for 2 years. Sending love and hope out to all of the parents fighting the good fight for their babies and keep sending those education packets out!!”

“For the past eight years I have been entangled in the family court system fighting to protect my eight-year-old daughter. I have incurred over 400 thousand dollars in legal fees, undergone two custody evaluations and have been before multiple judges in Los Angeles County, California. I finally appeared before a judge who “got it.” Two weeks before my most recent court date, my judge received an educational packet. When I appeared before my judge, he took the matter under submission and issued a ruling the following week. In his ruling it was clear that he actually “saw” the issues in front of him and he “got it.” I truly believe that this major turning point in my case was based on my judge getting the educational materials about narcissism. When my lawyer and I discussed the judges orders we were shocked that the judge held him accountable and actually described my ex as “attempting to deceive the court, and purposefully omitting relevant information to mislead the court.” After eight years in family court and multiple judges I finally have a sliver of hope that I have a judge who understands what type of person I am dealing with.”

“After 1.5-year divorce/custody battle I received the best-case scenario with my divorce/timesharing plan tonight! I sent the “educate my judge packet” and I am confident the knowledge and information in it was enough to convince the judge of my ex-husband’s! Beyond thankful for this packet and God’s blessings over my family!”

“I went through a three-year battle and after sending out your educational packet, my judge finally got it. She finally saw him for who he was and did not allow him to deviate or change the story. She held him accountable, told him she was no longer going to allow him to make modifications and the only modification she would allow is an increase in child support. When he tried to claim I refused to communicate the judge said, “in my years I have learned people do not communicate well with parties like you who abuses the system because they feel entitled.” She even opened the court portal to count out all modification request he has made to reopen this matter. At that moment, as she let him know who that she knew who he was (in front of the whole court), I knew that she read your packet. She has given him till Feb 18,2020 to rectify all outstanding debts with me or we go straight to trial. Where he will lie once again, but, with my PI’s pictures, your educational packet to the judge (who now truly sees him for the man he is), email trails, history of nonpayment, documenting everything, and my attorney skill set for high conflict custody battles I am potentially done. Thank you for being one of the largest contributors in changing my judges mind about his behavior. With all our love and prayers. L and I (the Rhode Island family you helped to save)”